Haydn Hummel LONG PLAYING SELECTIONS Torelli Trumpet


In the post “Trumpet Synaesthesia” I made a half joking attempt to sum up the sound of the trumpet. In this post I’ll admit to being stumped … as to how one could describe the Trumpet’s Beauty in words. (* only an idiot tries to describe music with words!) Anyway here’s the beauty of the trumpet by a few Masters. (the player is darn good too! – Rolf Smedvig)


Audio Player


Haydn: Trumpet Concerto in E-flat major: I.

Haydn: Trumpet Concerto in E-flat major: II.

Haydn: Trumpet Concerto in E-flat major: III. Finale

Hummel: Trumpet Concerto in E-flat major: I.

Hummel: Trumpet Concerto in E-flat major: II.

Hummel: Trumpet Concerto in E-flat major: III. Rondo

Torelli: Trumpet Concerto in D major: I. Allegro

Torelli: Trumpet Concerto in D major: II. Adagio

Torelli: Trumpet Concerto in D major: III. Allegro

  • admin
    April 12, 2010 at 5:15 am

    Thanks Muriel. Delighted to get these positive comments. This site truly is my ‘labour of love’ Feel free to send any requests.

  • Muriel Wells
    April 12, 2010 at 3:07 am

    Hi Jim,
    I found your website last week when I joined CMM and immediately looked into it. I like your w/site and your attitude—the ambience is great—and the humour. We don’t need to be po-faced about our liking for Classical music, do we?
    The trumpet download is lovely and as you said the player is excellent—a real virtuoso, so I enjoyed every second of it.
    Since mY preschool years, when Dad walked me to the parks to hear them I have loved brass bands/instruments.
    I have been “collecting quite a few trumpeters, mostly Europeans.I also have some fine horn players, and brass ensembles, winkled out from the videos on the internet
    Brass is not my only Classical interest, though, and I have downloaded some Bach this morning—you will be hearing from me, later, no doubt, as my interests are fairly diverse.
    Many thanks.
    (Muriel aka pollyp), a music loving old lady!