Tchaikovsky Tchaikovsky teases us

Tchaikovsky teases us

The following two selections (*edited from the same piece: Tchaikovsky’s Violin concerto in D, op. 35 / Allegro Moderato) show how a great composer can pull us to the edge of our seats. Waiting. Longing to hear when, where and how the elements of composition are going to “Climax” ( “Come Together” as the Beatles might say! ) And that’s just what it’s like. A tease …that proceeds… to fulfilment. (*even though I know it’s coming I still get goose bumps) Tchaikovsky has done it as masterfully as it could be done in his Violin concerto – (especially in the “Second Tease”.)

First Tease

Tchaikovsky violin concerto in D extract


Second Tease

Tchaikovsky violin concerto extract

  • Ben L
    January 30, 2011 at 12:07 am

    Tchaikovsky: The Tragic Life of a Musical Genius, a BBC Production, 2007. It’s in my local San Leandro library. I enjoyed it very much, and now I can’t hear this violin concerto without thinking about T. in Italy with his young male lover who was his cousin I believe. You can hear the sweeping, liberating joy. About 15 years ago I remember reading a review of a biography trying to sort out his last days and discover if he committed suicide or not. He did, sort of, according to the BBC video. Apparently a group of highly successful Russian businessmen and nobles were fed up with T.’s homosexuality and gave him a choice, drink the cholera contaminated water from the Volga or the Tsar would learn T.’s scandalous secret. He went to his brother’s apartment and drank a glass, but before he wrote a thoroughly angry word of condemnation to the businessmen, wishing that God in his justice would recompense them justly. I think they quoted the note in the video, and that seemed to clinch the mystery for me. So, not to detract from the great music. There’s a triumphant aire in his violin theme, appropriate to his life at that time. So Jim, I got as far as all of Bach except the long section, now I’m going to listen to Symphony 6 by T. Nice work here. You’ve done a great job. I’ll write God a letter too wishing you Much love.