
Mozart for Linni Binni

Or should it be Linnie Binnie? Anyway dear sister-in-law – since you didn’t specify which movement of a Mozart Piano Concerto in D Minor; I’m going to assume it’s this one! Correct me (backchannel) if it’s not the one you long to hear, and I’ll find and post the correct movement. Regards to Robert.

Mozart Piano Concerto 20 in D Monor Kv466 / Romanze

  • Udilka
    May 30, 2010 at 7:01 pm

    Super-Duper site! I am loving it!! Will come back again – taking your feeds also, Thanks.

  • Jim
    August 1, 2008 at 7:35 am

    Yes I can, but can’t mention on this site

  • Linni Binni
    April 2, 2008 at 4:01 am

    Aaaaah thanks Jim, that’s the one that woke me from my peaceful slumber. I had my alarm set on radio and that is what woke me. Can you think of a nicer way to be woken.

    Love Lynx