
And Again! Bach

I purposely did not do any research for this post; deciding not to read what the critics had to say about the Brandenburg Concertos. I think you only need an ear (or two) and a heart to appreciate how great they are!

Brandenburg Concertos #1 and 2 (about 28 minutes)

  • Muriel Wells
    November 23, 2011 at 5:27 am

    Hi Jim,
    The Brandenburg Concertos are favourites of mine and i never tire of hearing another version. Thankyou foe attaching this link.
    Also i must congratulate you on your new method of playback and voluntary download. Great!

  • Anon
    November 23, 2011 at 1:42 am

    Amazing work. I mean all your website ( I have just found it ). Thank you.